
"I can see the wormhole from my house"


Best and Worst QOTD goes to Garak the Cardassian Tailor

Best: "The truth is usually just an excuse for lack of imagination"

Worst: "I never betrayed you, at least in my heart"

Keep it up Garak!

Thanks to 'lordmagnusen' from DeviantArt for this awesome Garak pic.

@Apologist re: Miles O'Brien

Yes, Miles is indeed a fine character.

He elevated the art of transporting (formerly only performed by red-shirts) into a full career (sorta like a techified-tollbooth worker.) Then he was able to convince upper management that his ability to hit a button to ENORJIZE should translate into a LIKE-A-BOWS Chief Engineer posting on DS9.


This leads us to the inescapable conclusion that a Transporter Jockey on TNG = Chief Engineer on DS9, showcasing the greatly reduced expectations of DS9 characters and capabilities.

Since he originated in TNG, he can't be considered for adding value to DS9 even if he could pulp Geordi in a fight.

I'm the Apologist

Howdy, folks. So, I guess I should start my role as the DS9 apologist of this blog. You see, I'm the one who insisted that Danny Guy watch the series, given his enjoyment of Trek. However, despite my best efforts to persuade him otherwise, he still started on Season 3, which of course, is still in the "what the fuck" phase of the series.

My first action as apologist: give the series major props for starring one of TNG's under appreciated gems--Miles O'Brien. He's quite frankly one of the only characters in TNG that wasn't running around acting like they weren't a real person. He is, in fact, not just a real person, but my hero.


TV Barkeeps: who is your favorite?

Quark?: DS9
Moe?: Simpsons
Sam?: Cheers

My personal favorite is Dan Dority from Deadwood because he also does Al Swearengen's dirty work no questions asked.

What's with the open-fist punches?

Everyone always tiger-upper-cuts in DS9.


"Through the looking glass"

Star Trek can't resist "alternate universes" where all the good guys play bad guys. Mind you, they're still "nice" bad guys ie they don't stab anyone in the face or just kill at will by sending people to sleep with the fishes (myah, see?), they're candy-coated bad guys.

Anyways, back to the action, my favorite quote from today's gem comes from Garak, who is usually the Cobbler/Tailer on DS9. (Why they need someone to make clothing when they have replicators is worth a separate post all by itself, but that's for another demusement.)

"If you need anyone to beat him into submission for you, don't hesitate to call me." - Garak

Oh, and Tuvok showed up in this episode, which probably ruins the space-time-continuum but who cares since it's DS9.


Bashir gets "Palpatined"-to-the-max in "Distant Voices"

Is it possible for the DS9 writers to copy ROTJ, and bestow Sith powers to a random alien with horns in his face so he can then straight-up electrocute the sh"t out of Bashir?
 a) yes

Is it possible that I laughed really, really hard at this?

"Visionary": gives Time Cop a run for it's money

In terms of "spinning the wheel of excessive time travel" this episode is only trumped by the work of the one and only JCVD.

DS9 episode endings...

Why do all DS9 episodes finish with a "cool-down"?

(blatant recap of story, unique/bad music, painfully obvious moral lesson)

Is that because this show aired when aerobics was popular?

"Alexander" gets busted

6/28 (backpost)

The only tangible thing I have yet to see Bashir do is get an innocent revolutionary killed in DS9 S3 Ep. 7, and causing a catastophic ripple affect in space-time-continuum.

Dassuh fail raht dere.


It's official: the Ferengi kid is the best actor on DS9

DS9 puzzlement of the day: 7/2

In all other ST series, there is no currency used within the Federation. Quark & Friends live on latinum, which disrupts the continuity of no currency. How many other facets of ST can DS9 'disrupt'?

Season 3, "Visionary"

HOW is it POSSIBLE for Bashir to diagnose the cumulative effects of time shifting? Is he privy to this info? More DS9 non-sense to jump-stop the week.