The episode starts out with this gem from Dax herself:
"If you don't mind, I'd like to borrow your bodies for a few hours"
Annoying? Check.
Awkward? Definitely.
Fits within Star Trek cannon? Basically, yes.
As any 3rd grader off the street would know, Dax is a living slug-trilobite that lives by maintaining a symbiotic relationship with a host/regular person, and lives hidden in their body on their spine somewhere that horrifies me. Commander Sisko regularly calls Dax "Old man" as the symbiote that is Dax is ~800 years old, and has lived in about a dozen or so hosts. This creates many an awkard situation throughout the series when the female host that Dax inhabits gets intimate with random male dudes throughout the gamma quadrant.
Uh, Ok. Fine.
It's the next few minutes that really spills the gravy on the Thanksgiving linens for me.
In "Facets", Dax wants to "meet" her former hosts by somehow downloading their personalities into her friends on DS9. (Sisko, Bashir, and the rest of the Deep Space Sugar Hill Gang.)
She gathers them in a room, and asks them if their willing to be temporarily "taken over" by the host personalities, which are essentially consolidated memories extracted from Dax. Some characters agree, and a scene ensues where some bajoran priest mumbles a bit and then lightning leaps out of Dax and into the other people in the episode.
Just so it's clear, I hate Star Trek Magic.
Later on Sisko is taken over by a murderer, and the highlight happens when Quark is taken over by a slinky/sassy female persona. Sorta like a car crash you can't look away from.
Anyways, it's all enough obfuscation to make anyone swear off this show.
I actually can't tell you how it ends because I stopped the insanity 28min and 15 seconds in, I just couldn't take it any more. I had to bail.
btw, really?